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Galerie Franzis Engels
In 2008, the year of the great crisis when a lot of galleries closed their doors, Franzis Engels opened her heart and her house for artist she knew from her social network. In the beginning 4 exhibitions a year were organised. Each opening was a big party for a whole weekend. The idea was to celebrate art in a homely environment, a 4-story contemporary townhouse, where each time over a 100 works were exhibited. All kind of artist were attracted, the principle was art is ART, talk about it, but more important: celebrate it. The initiative grew, to 6 or 7 exhibitions a year, each 6 weeks long. Costs increased also due to participation in art fairs.
In 2014, after more than 25 exhibitions where over a 100 artists had shown their works, it was time to change. The initiative transformed into a gallery, the space was adjusted to optimize the presentation with homely and comfortable rooms on the one hand and a white-cube exhibition area on the top-floor. The name was changed into Gallery Franzis Engels.
The gallery now is reputed to have emerging and established artists who explore a fantastic range of materials, processes and techniques. The works are fresh and surprising - consummated with skill.
The last years, the emphasis has increasingly shifted to providing a platform ànd an income to predominantly young Dutch artists. Like in the beginning, art is celebrated in all its astonishing variety.
The gallery is on walking distance from Central Station Amsterdam. You can also take bus 22 to Wittenburgergracht (next to the Oosterkerk). Opposite the church, next to the pedestrian bridge, you can see the gallery
Galerie Franzis Engels
Nieuwevaart 200
1018 ZN, Amsterdam
Contact 06 31000323
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